We Don’t Waste Your Time Or Money.TM

We work hard to resolve disputes early and amicably whenever possible, frequently resolving disputes before a lawsuit is even filed. Our goal is to save your time and money because we know you’d rather focus on your business.

We Don’t Follow The Standard Playbook.TM

We look at all aspects of your business and legal problem with a creative perspective, not just the facts or the law to find a unique approach in solving your legal issues. We’re always fighting the right fight, in the right way.

We Start With Your End Game.TM

Most firms don’t get the end game; they just get going. Our first step is working with you to clarify your business goals as well as the legal and business situation you’re in.

We Don’t Just Talk Trial; We Actually Do It.TM

We are top-notch, experienced trial lawyers. Although we work hard to resolve disputes early, we’re always prepared to take your business or regulatory case to trial.

We Don’t Just Stand
On Our Reputation; We Put It To Work For You.TM

We’re well known among attorneys, political and business leaders, and the judiciary. Let our reputations and experience work for you.

If It’s Easy, Don’t Hire Us.TM

If you have a tough, complicated, or unusual business or regulatory dispute, we’re one of Atlanta’s Leading Litigation and Regulatory Firms.

One of Atlanta’s Leading
Litigation and Regulatory Firms
Learn More

Who We Are

We’ve succeeded because we’re not like most law firms.

We are specialists in business litigation, regulatory law, government investigations and criminal defense matters. In just over fifteen years, we’ve grown to be one of the largest, well-respected litigation firms in Atlanta. Our related, and extensive, regulatory practice is unparalleled among litigation firms.  And our government investigations and criminal defense team provides their seasoned expertise and background in enforcement to clients facing criminal or regulatory enforcement proceedings and investigations.

We pride ourselves on developing the most creative solutions to complex legal challenges required to achieve clients’ business, legal, and personal goals. We collaborate closely with our clients and are very open to structuring creative fee arrangements.

While we work hard to resolve disputes early and amicably, when possible, we’re always prepared to take cases to trial. We have a track record of outstanding trial results, and our high-profile cases often garner significant media attention. Clients and opponents recognize that our experience and success make us tougher, more effective negotiators at every point in the litigation or investigation process.

What It’s Like Working With Us

If It’s Easy, Don’t Hire UsTM

Many firms are set up to handle routine legal matters. We are NOT one of them. If you have a tough, complicated, or unusual business or regulatory dispute, or if you are facing a criminal or government investigation, we’re your best choice.

We pride ourselves on developing creative solutions when there are complex factual scenarios, tricky legal issues, substantial sums of money, or significant personal or business consequences. We have the toughest, smartest, and most creative team. Our attorneys have first-rate litigation, regulatory, and criminal experience built on top of outstanding academic credentials.

In fact, we’re the lawyers that other lawyers call when they need help. We frequently represent other law firms in partnership disputes, malpractice cases, and personal legal matters. We also represent other lawyers and judges in governmental investigations and disciplinary matters.  In addition, other lawyers refer us complex matters, often after having the pleasure of facing us as opposing counsel. While we are tough, we are professional with our fellow counsel, and they appreciate what we do and how we do it. 

We often work under the bright light of media attention. We are adept at making sure the media captures the right message for you and your business. Working with the courts, the regulators, government enforcement agencies, political leaders or entities, and the media, sometimes all at once, requires a skill set which we have developed over many years of practice.

We Start With Your End GameTM

As the great Yogi Berra said, “If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.” We always begin with the end in mind. Our first step is working with you to clarify your goals as well as the legal and business situation you’re in.

Most firms don’t get the end game; they just get going. In the process, they waste clients’ money following predictable litigation steps to suboptimal, or overly costly, results. This is not how we operate. We develop a strategy that works backward from your desired outcomes, not just forward from your present legal situation.

Your goal may be straightforward, such as recover as much as possible as cost effectively as possible or defend for the least cost possible. Often, the end game can and should be more complex. The litigation may be part of a larger business dispute and you might want to leverage the lawsuit to position you for a more global outcome. You may need to establish an important business precedent that deters future lawsuits or misconduct against you. Your dispute may even involve working with regulators to shift the business conditions you’re operating under.

Once we’re sure where you want to end up, we customize a creative playbook that is both cost-effective and most likely to achieve your goals.

We Don’t Follow The Standard PlaybookTM

Creative business and legal approaches can save you time and money on the path to success.

Most firms follow a process we call “Litigation 101.” They start with a complaint or response to a complaint, go through discovery, file motions along the way, and then see what happens and where they stand.

Not only is this costly and time consuming, it also exposes a weakness. We know how and when to disorient and disarm the competition, making traditional playbook moves increasingly irrelevant.

We look at all aspects of your business and legal problem with a creative perspective, not just the facts or the law. We find leverage points we can effectively use on our client’s behalf. We understand opposing counsel, the prosecutor or enforcement officer, the judge, and the judge’s track record in similar matters. Where appropriate, we also look for regulatory or legislative solutions.

By focusing on your end game and customizing the playbook, we ensure we’re always fighting the right fight, in the right way.

We Don’t Waste Your Time or Your MoneyTM

A classic New Yorker cartoon stated, “As your attorney, I feel it is my duty to charge you an enormous amount of money.” As absurd as it sounds, this too often rings true.

That is NOT our approach. We work hard to resolve disputes early and amicably whenever possible. We frequently resolve disputes before a lawsuit is even filed. Our goal is to make a molehill out of a mountain, because we know you’d rather focus on your life and your business than on litigation or battles with the government.

We will assess your case early and advise you on the highest-value courses of action. We’ll give you a realistic view of outcomes and associated strategies. Where appropriate, we push for settlement conferences at key settlement points — those points in the process where parties have enough information to talk about resolution without continuing an extended legal process. On regulatory matters, sometimes a few early phone calls or meetings can resolve the dispute.

If an early resolution is not possible, we’ll work closely with you to determine the highest-value and most cost-effective path forward. We’re also open to creative fee arrangements that best serve a client’s needs.

We Don’t Just Talk Trial;
We Actually Do ItTM

We are top-notch, experienced trial lawyers in  civil, criminal, and regulatory proceedings. Although we work hard to resolve disputes early, we’re always prepared to take your case to trial.

A federal judge we know observed, “Too many lawyers come to my courtroom and don’t know where the jury box is.” The fact is, many litigators talk a good game but don’t actually try many cases.

We try a LOT of cases. Jury trials. Bench trials in front of a judge. Arbitrations. Administrative hearings. Our results are positive the vast majority of time. Our high-profile cases often garner significant media attention.

We’re  equally as comfortable in appellate courts as we are in trial courts. We regularly draft appellate briefs and present oral arguments before appellate courts at the federal and state level. We’re often hired specifically to handle cases on appeal.

This experience obviously gives us an edge in the courtroom. It also gives us a significant edge before your case even goes to trial. Opposing counsel are well aware we’re not afraid to aggressively try cases, which puts us in a stronger negotiating position.

We Don’t Just Stand On Our Reputation;
We Put It To Work For YouTM

It’s not really who you know; it’s who knows you. And what they think of you. When you hire a lawyer, you hire more than just his or her legal ability. You also hire a lawyer’s reputation and connections. This provides value well beyond the hours a lawyer devotes to your case.

Our lawyers and firm are well known and highly regarded amongst judges, attorneys, prosecutors, enforcement agencies, political leaders, and in the business world. We’re the lawyers other lawyers often call when they need help. We’ve handled high-profile lawsuits, regulatory disputes, and criminal investigations, and our team has extensive connections with both local and federal government through experience working in both politics and government.

We’re well known as a legal team with smart, highly committed, and skillful attorneys, focused on creative solutions and non-formulaic approaches. Make no mistake: our reputation and our integrity count as much as anything else we will do for you. We’d love to explore how to put our strong reputation, skills, and experience to work for you.

What We Do

We handle the full range of disputes an entrepreneur, senior executive, or small, medium or large business might encounter.

What We Do

We handle the full range of disputes an entrepreneur, senior executive, or small, medium or large business might encounter.